The Year is 2116. 75 years ago the scorch came, 5 years of consecutive high temperatures. 

A brave new world grows from the ashes of the old order. A new society sprouts from the compost of the wreckage. The world begins anew, those that have learned from the follies of the past, design new customs and creeds to avoid the pitfalls of old. To some nature is sacred once again and to others, the need to survive keeps humankind’s selfish old trappings alive. The Last City, an island of civilization, a chance to begin again.

This edition of The Last City sees the city growing with newly formed tribes such as The Dark Chandra, the mischievous moon tribe who bring forth the reckoning of the night, the Radiation Resistance who are acrobatic scavengers affected by the nuclear fallout of the apocalypse and The City of The Sun God who return to create another awe-inspiring Afro-Futurist tapestry of dance and music from celtic tribal rhythms on Friday, raucous anarchist punk and funky jazz fueled vibes. 

Become citizens of The Last City by joining the parade on Friday evening, lose all your inhibitions and dance wild and free.